
Grès de Montpellier

The Grés de Montpellier AOP was launched in 2003 (the Decree being applicable from the 2002 harvest). Covering vineyards in and around the Montpellier agglomeration, it  is a large, "catch-all" AOP, stretching over an area from the Hérault middle valley to the Vidourle, and from the Mediterranean in the south to the Pic Saint-Loup in the north, covering no fewer than 40 communes and sub-regions, including Lunel, Sommieres, St Christol, St Drézery and Saint Georges d'Orques. It is an area sheltered from northern influences by the Montagne Noire and the Cévennes, with the dry climate and the relatively humid air in summer (thanks to its proximity to the sea) favouring early maturity and balanced wines. The main grape varieties are Grenache, Syrah, Mourvedre and Carignan.